The Safe and Sound Protocol
Denver or Anywhere
Let the Safe and Sound Protocol Help You!
Find relief from emotional dysregulation, chronic feelings of tensions and being on edge, symptoms of anxiety, depression, social anxiety, withdrawal, conditions such as Misophonia, Autism, and more.
How can this be?
Over time, our middle ear muscle and neural networks become expert at hearing sounds of danger and begin losing the capacity to hear safety and joy as easily. This music is filtered and designed to retrain your brain and ear to hear positive sounds and return your autonomic nervous system to finding states of comfort, safety, and ease!
Bringing Your Child Safety and Delight
Children often have trouble regulating their emotions and behavior. The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) helps children move from reactions such as tantrums, social and emotional difficulties (including anxiety and isolation), and aggression to emotional regulation, flexibility and physiological states of calm and ease.
The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a powerful auditory intervention designed to reduce sensitivity to stress and negative reaction while enhancing emotional resilience and social connection.
Adults Access Optimal Emotional Health
How it Works and What it Costs
We offer a variety of plans and affordable pricing options for child, adult, and families.
What you need to know
The SSP includes a standardized guided 5-day auditory intervention (extended options available)
Commitment: listening to the music twice a day (morning and afternoon)
You need: 1) smart device (iOS or Android) and 2) qualifying headphones
Other Services
Individual Therapy
Play Therapy
Parent Coaching
Psychological Testing
Rebecca Showalter, Psy.D.
Dr. Rebecca Showalter has more than ten years experience helping individuals, children, adolescents, and families find answers and solutions to emotional and relationship challenges. Methods of treatment include Safe and Sound Protocol, individual therapies such as adult and adolescent therapy, play therapy, and family interventions. Many of her services can be accessed online through Telehealth platforms.
She also provides the following comprehensive psychological evaluations in the greater Denver area: 1) psychological evaluations for adults looking to enter religious life or learn more about their own psychological functioning, strengths and weaknesses, and 2) academic, behavioral, and emotional issues with children and adolescents.
Rebecca specializes in Therapeutic Assessment: a collaborative testing process in which the clients take active roles in the process, gain first-hand insight into their functioning, and develop tools and skills for real change in their lives.
“Rebecca completely changed our relationship with our kids through the safe and sound protocol. ”
— Emily, Denver CO